Citation Information :
Choudhary B, Jain A, Bhadoria K, Patidar N. Comparison of Dentinal Defects induced by Hand Files, Multiple, and Single Rotary Files: A Stereomicroscopic Study. World J Dent 2017; 8 (1):45-48.
This study was carried out to compare the dentinal defects induced by single rotary file system, multiple rotary file system, and hand files.
Materials and methods
Sixty single-rooted premolars were selected based on predetermined criteria. They were divided into three groups: Group I (hand K files), group II (Hero Shaper), and group III (One Shape). Biomechanical preparation was carried out as per the manufacturer's instructions. Each specimen was sectioned horizontally and divided into apical, middle, and coronal sections. These sections were visualized under stereomicroscope to evaluate the dentinal defects using predetermined criteria.
Roots prepared with Hero Shaper showed more number of defects than One Shape, whereas in roots prepared with hand files lowest percentage of dentinal defects were present. There was statistically significant difference between the Hero Shaper group and the One Shape group (p < 0.05).
All rotary files induce defects in root dentin, whereas the hand instruments induce minimal defects.
Clinical significance
With single rotary file system, preparation time is reduced and it is easier for patients to accept the treatment. Moreover, the potential of root fracture is reduced.
How to cite this article
Jain A, Bhadoria K, Choudhary B, Patidar N. Comparison of Dentinal Defects induced by Hand Files, Multiple, and Single Rotary Files: A Stereomicroscopic Study. World J Dent 2017;8(1):45-48.
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