Effect of Different Acidic Beverages on Microhardness of Nanohybrid Composite, Giomer, and Microhybrid Composite
SK Somayaji, Arul Amalan
Citation Information :
Somayaji S, Amalan A. Effect of Different Acidic Beverages on Microhardness of Nanohybrid Composite, Giomer, and Microhybrid Composite. World J Dent 2016; 7 (3):126-128.
Degradation in the oral cavity is a complex phenomenon, i.e., related to disintegration and dissolution of restorative materials in the oral cavity. Consumption of acidic food, fruit juices, and soft drinks can result in decrease in microhardness and bad esthetic appearance.
Materials and methods
Twenty-four disk-shaped specimens (10 mm in diameter and 2 mm thickness) were made from each nanohybrid composite, giomer, and microhybrid composite. The specimens were dipped in Appy fizz, Nimbooz, and Thumbs Up for 50 seconds and washed with saline. This cycle was continued for six times each day. Such hardness test was carried out in regular intervals, that is, 7, 14, and 21 days.
There was reduction in hardness after 7 and 14 days but no significant difference (p > 0.05). There was significant difference after 21 days of experimental models for giomer, ceramic, and spectra (p < 0.05).
The microhardness of materials was reduced after 7 and 14 days, but significant difference was seen after 21 days.
How to cite this article
Somayaji SK, Amalan A, Ginjupalli K. Effect of Different Acidic Beverages on Microhardness of Nanohybrid Composite, Giomer, and Microhybrid Composite. World J Dent 2016;7(3):126-128.
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