To Evaluate and Compare Effect of Calcium Hydroxide with Different Vehicles on the Mineral Content of Root Dentin: An EDAX Analysis
Sameer Jadhav, Shweta Bagmar, Vignesh Dixit, Vijay Kumar L Shiraguppi
Citation Information :
Jadhav S, Bagmar S, Dixit V, Shiraguppi VK. To Evaluate and Compare Effect of Calcium Hydroxide with Different Vehicles on the Mineral Content of Root Dentin: An EDAX Analysis. World J Dent 2014; 5 (3):170-173.
The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare effect of calcium hydroxide with different vehicles on the mineral content of root dentin—an EDAX analysis, after 1, 2 and 3 weeks.
Materials and methods
Seventy-five freshly extracted single rooted teeth were selected for study and randomly divided into 5 groups. An access to the root canal of all teeth was prepared using a round and cylindrical bur (Mani Inc.). Canals were instrumented with stainless steel K file (Dentsply Maillefer, Johnson City, TN) so that the file extended beyond the apical foramen by 1 mm. And then canals were prepared to a size F2 with hand proTaper (Dentsply Maillefer, Johnson City, TN). Copious irrigation with sterile saline was done. Sample of group 1—were sealed apically with bonded composite resin and coronally with cotton pellet and bonded composite resin. Samples of group 2—were filled with thick slurry made with calcium hydroxide and saline using lentulo spiral (Henry Schein). To ensure intimate contact with the canal walls, excess calcium hydroxide was intentionally extruded past the apex. Root canals were sealed apically and coronally in the same manner as in previous group. Samples of group 3—Calcigel (water based calcium hydroxide, Prevest Denpro Ltd), group 4—Metapex (oil based calcium hydroxide, Meta BioMed) and group 5—Calcium hydroxide and propylene glycol, were prepared in the same manner as previous group. The samples were maintained at room temperature and 100% humidity in incubator. After 7 days, 5 samples from each group were removed from incubator and the roots were vertically sectioned into 1 mm thick specimen with water cooled diamond disk. Each section of sample was then evaluated under EDAX. After 14th and 21st day 5 samples of each group were removed and tested in same manner as mentioned previously.
How to cite this article
Bagmar S, Jadhav S, Hegde V, Dixit V, Shiraguppi VKL. To Evaluate and Compare Effect of Calcium Hydroxide with Different Vehicles on the Mineral Content of Root Dentin: An EDAX Analysis. World J Dent 2014;5(3):170-173.
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