Effect of Bioconditioning on Surface Characteristics of Periodontally-affected Roots of Diabetic Patients
Hossam A Eid, Khalid M Abdelaziz, Refaat A Eid
Citation Information :
Eid HA, Abdelaziz KM, Eid RA. Effect of Bioconditioning on Surface Characteristics of Periodontally-affected Roots of Diabetic Patients. World J Dent 2014; 5 (2):81-86.
Advanced glycosylated end products (AGEs) in type II diabetic patients are usually precipitated on the periodontallyaffected root surfaces. The presence of periodontopathic microbes, at the same time, may also add a negative impact on the prognosis of the regenerative periodontal surgery. This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the effect of chemical conditioning on surface characteristics of periodontally-affected roots of diabetic patients.
Three groups (n = 25) of freshly-extracted teeth were collected from the outpatient clinics, College of Dentistry, King Khalid University. In group 1, teeth were collected from healthy individuals for orthodontic purpose. Teeth of group 2 were collected from healthy patients with chronic periodontitis, while those of group 3 were collected from diabetic patients with chronic periodontitis. Roots of the collected teeth were examined using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) before and after mechanical surface planning and chemical treatment using normal saline, EDTA gel, Tetracycline HCL (TC) or citric acid (CA) each for 4 minutes (n = 5 from each group).
Interpretation of SEM images revealed undesirable etching effect of the chemicals used on the surfaces of healthy roots. Although EDTA showed an effective cleanse of the smear debris, it seemed to have no power on surface cuticles existed on roots of diabetic individuals. Tetracycline HCl provided acceptable conditioning of periodontally-affected root surfaces. Citric acid showed a powerful removal of both smear debris and cuticle layers off the periodontally-affected roots of diabetic individuals.
Topical application of EDTA, TC or CA shows sensible effect on the periodontally affected root surfaces. However, each of these chemicals exhibits different conditioning power. Citric acid is a promising agent to biomodify the periodontally-affected root surfaces of diabetic patients.
Clinical relevance
Citric acid is an acceptable biomodifier for the periodontally-affected root surfaces. This approach may improve the prognosis of periodontal therapies especially in type II diabetic patients.
How to cite this article
Abdelaziz KM, Eid HA, Eid RA. Effect of Bioconditioning on Surface Characteristics of Periodontally- affected Roots of Diabetic Patients. World J Dent 2014;5(2):81-86.
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