Study of Dental Treatment Received by Attenders in Government General Dental Center/Hospital Dugbe, Ibadan-Nigeria: A 5-Year Longitudinal Retrospective Study
AO Olaleye
Citation Information :
Olaleye A. Study of Dental Treatment Received by Attenders in Government General Dental Center/Hospital Dugbe, Ibadan-Nigeria: A 5-Year Longitudinal Retrospective Study. World J Dent 2013; 4 (2):86-91.
There is an alarming rate of dental extraction which constitutes the commonest procedure carried out in this study in Nigeria.
How to cite this article
Olaleye AO. Study of Dental Treatment Received by Attenders in Government General Dental Center/ Hospital Dugbe, Ibadan-Nigeria: A 5-Year Longitudinal Retrospective Study. World J Dent 2013;4(2):86-91.
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