Citation Information :
Pentapati KC, Acharya S, Bhat M, Rao SV. Oral Health-related Quality of Life and Associated Factors in National Cadets Corps of Udupi District, India. World J Dent 2013; 4 (2):81-85.
To assess the oral impact on daily performances (OIDP) and to study the inter-relationship between OIDP, dental attendance, socioeconomic status and caries experience among children enrolled in the National Cadets Corps (NCC).
Materials and methods
A cross-sectional survey of 389 male NCC cadets in the age group of 13 to 15 years was done. Child version of Oral Impacts on Daily Performances questionnaire (Child-OIDP) was used to assess the quality of life. Information on demographic correlates and oral health behavior was obtained through self-administered questionnaire. The cadets were clinically examined for caries using decayed, missing and filled tooth index (DMFT).
A total of 359 children completed all the stages of the survey. The mean age of children was 13.96 ± 0.6 years. Fiftyfive percent of the participants experienced at least one impact in the last 3 months. The mean OIDP score for the population was 12.13 ± 5.85. The most prevalent impact was ‘difficulty in eating’ (37%) and the least affected daily performance was social contact (17%). Dental attendance and caries experience showed significant positive correlation with all the impacts and the overall OIDP score. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed significant influence of dental attendance and caries experience on OIDP.
The study revealed that oral health has significant impact on quality of life of Indian children.
How to cite this article
Pentapati KC, Acharya S, Bhat M, Rao SVK, Singh S. Oral Health-related Quality of Life and Associated Factors in National Cadets Corps of Udupi District, India. World J Dent 2013;4(2):81-85.
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