World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2012 ) > List of Articles


Reactive Hyperplastic Lesions of the Gingiva: A Retrospective Study of 260 Cases

Sangeetha Ramu, Charlotte Rodrigues

Citation Information : Ramu S, Rodrigues C. Reactive Hyperplastic Lesions of the Gingiva: A Retrospective Study of 260 Cases. World J Dent 2012; 3 (2):126-130.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1142

Published Online: 01-09-2013

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2012; The Author(s).



The purpose of the study was to analyze the frequency and distribution of gingival lesions in MR Ambedkar Dental College, Bengaluru.

Materials and methods

The material included the biopsies of all localized reactive hyperplastic lesions (LRHL) of the gingiva stored in the department's database (1995-2011). The lesions were analyzed according to their location and the patient's age and gender. The findings were compared with other published studies on reactive lesions.


A total of 260 reactive lesion biopsies were accessed. focal fibrous hyperplasia (FFH) was the most common (38.5%), followed by pyogenic granuloma (PG) (34.6%), peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) (17.7%) and peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG) (9.2%). The mean age of the patients was 33 years, with a range varying from 9 to 80 years. The LRHL occurred more commonly in females except focal fibrous hyperplasia, which showed male predilection. PG and POF were more common in the maxilla and FFH as well as PGCG were more common in the mandible.


This study indicates some differences in age and gender distribution as well as in location between the different lesions. The results of this study differ from those of other studies and the data presented here can be used as a guide for further multicenter studies.

How to cite this article

Ramu S, Rodrigues C. Reactive Hyperplastic Lesions of the Gingiva: A Retrospective Study of 260 Cases. World J Dent 2012;3(2):126-130.

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