Immunofluorescence in Oral Pathology—Part II: Pathology and Immunofluorescent Patterns in Subepidermal Immunobullous Disorders
BR Premalatha, Roopa S Rao, Vijaya Mysorekar
Citation Information :
Premalatha B, Rao RS, Mysorekar V. Immunofluorescence in Oral Pathology—Part II: Pathology and Immunofluorescent Patterns in Subepidermal Immunobullous Disorders. World J Dent 2012; 3 (1):68-73.
Rao RS, Premalatha BR, Mysorekar V. Immunofluorescence in Oral Pathology—Part II: Pathology and Immunofluorescent Patterns in Subepidermal Immunobullous Disorders. World J Dent 2012;3(1):68-73.
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