World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2012 ) > List of Articles


Influence of the Grander Technology in the Physical Properties of the Self-Etch Adhesive System

Daphne Câmara Barcellos, Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres, Sergio Eduardo de Paiva Gonçalves, Ivan Balducci, Tânia Mara da Silva, Diogo Toledo Matias, Maria Filomena Rocha Lima Huhtala

Citation Information : Barcellos DC, Torres CR, de Paiva Gonçalves SE, Balducci I, da Silva TM, Matias DT, Lima Huhtala MF. Influence of the Grander Technology in the Physical Properties of the Self-Etch Adhesive System. World J Dent 2012; 3 (1):1-5.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1118

Published Online: 01-03-2013

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2012; The Author(s).



The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the Grander technology in reducing the surface tension and contact angle of self-etch adhesive system.

Materials and methods

Distilled water and Xeno III self-etch adhesive system (Dentsply) were modified by physical contact with the flexible unit Grander system to revitalize water, for 48 hours, resulting in four groups: Group CW-distilled water under normal conditions; Group CA-Xeno III adhesive system under normal conditions; Group GW-distilled water system modified by the Grander system; Group GA-Xeno III adhesive system modified by the Grander system. Surface tension and contact angle of the adhesive system and water in normal and Grandermodified conditions was measured with a goniometer. ANOVA and Tukey test were used to analyze the results (5%).

Results and conclusion

For surface tension, ANOVA showed p < 0.05, what indicated significant differences between the groups. The mean values (D/cm) for the groups were: CW-72.4 a; GW-69.45 b; GA: 31.17 c; CA-29.98 c. The results showed a significant reduction of surface tension for distilled water modified by Grander system. Grander technology did not interfere in the surface tension and contact angle physical properties of the Xeno III self-etch adhesive system.

Clinical significance

Grander technology is a method that revitalizes water by physical spatial restructuring of its molecules. The modify of an adhesive system, also a liquid with an aqueous solvent, can provide a reduction in surface tension and contact angle, increasing its wetness capacity and therefore ensuring a greater diffusibility.

How to cite this article

de Paiva Gonçalves SE, Matias DT, Barcellos DC, Lima Huhtala MFR, da Silva TM, Balducci I, Torres CRG. Influence of the Grander Technology in the Physical Properties of the Self-Etch Adhesive System. World J Dent 2012;3(1):1-5.

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