An Overview of Gingival and Periodontal Diseases in 12 to 15 years using Gingivitis and Periodontitis Site Prevalence Index (WHO, 1978)
Shobha D Deshpande, PV Ravindranath Reddy
Citation Information :
Deshpande SD, Ravindranath Reddy P. An Overview of Gingival and Periodontal Diseases in 12 to 15 years using Gingivitis and Periodontitis Site Prevalence Index (WHO, 1978). World J Dent 2011; 2 (3):175-181.
The aim of the study was to overview the gingival and periodontal disease in children and adolescents aged 12 to 15 years in Belgaum city. Visible plaque, gingival bleeding, supragingival and subgingival calculus and periodontal pockets were measured. Examination of buccal, lingual and mesial areas of each tooth was recorded sequentially in both arches using Gingivitis and Periodontitis Site Prevalence Index (WHO, 1978). The prevalence of gingival and periodontal disease was more in males than females and in Hindu population compared to others. The sites affected by gingivitis and periodontitis increased with the age. Periodontal problems were significantly more prevalent in patients with betel nut chewing habit. Visible plaque was most common while periodontal pockets were least common in the adolescents. Age, socioeconomic status, brushing habits and brushing frequency did not affect much to the prevalence of sites of gingivitis and periodontal disease. It was concluded that early diagnosis and preventive measures would surely reduce the growing problem of gingival and periodontal diseases among the children and adolescents.
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