Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Dental Infection Control and Occupational Safety in India: 1999 and 2010
Raghunath Puttaiah, Sadashiva Shetty, Deepthi Shetty, Sumit Dubey, Scott Walters, Ira Bernstein, Katherine Froelich-Grobe
Citation Information :
Puttaiah R, Shetty S, Shetty D, Dubey S, Walters S, Bernstein I, Froelich-Grobe K. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Dental Infection Control and Occupational Safety in India: 1999 and 2010. World J Dent 2011; 2 (1):1-9.
The objective was to study knowledge, attitudes, practice (KAP) and needs regarding infection control measures using two cross-sectional surveys from 1999 and 2010 conducted in India. Both data collection instruments had only about 35 comparable variables in common. In 1999, there were 456 respondents (dentists) who used a self-administered survey instrument compared to 272 respondents in 2010. Both the 1999 and 2010 samples were mutually independent with no overlap, had regional differences, and therefore were not directly compared for changes in KAP over time. While almost all respondents from both surveys felt that education in dental safety was needed and wanted mandatory dental safety curriculum in dental schools, severe inadequacies in dental safety knowledge, protection against immunizable diseases, and practice of universal precaution were noted. Data from the study demonstrated that there is a substantial opportunity to improve the knowledge, attitude and practice of dental infection control and occupational safety in India. Respondents reported that infectious disease status of a patient is always known and a significant number reported that they had the right to refuse care for patients of known infectious disease status. Stigma in treating HIV/AIDS patients was still a concern, an ethically troubling response suggesting the need for a stronger focus on educating dentists in subjects, such as dental safety, stigma and infectious disease. Information obtained from this study could be utilized for developing policies oriented towards increasing dental safety educational efforts, in both dental schools as curriculum, and for practicing dentists through professional updates or continuing dental education.
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