Oral Health Practices and Oral Cancer Knowledge Attitudes and Behaviors among College Students
Aarthi Shanmugavel, Steven E Shive
Citation Information :
Shanmugavel A, Shive SE. Oral Health Practices and Oral Cancer Knowledge Attitudes and Behaviors among College Students. World J Dent 2010; 1 (3):141-148.
This study examines the knowledge about the risk factors and symptoms of oral cancer, attitudes toward oral cancer and associated behaviors of college students using constructs of the Health Belief Model and the predictors of oral screening of college students.
College of Health Science students (N = 300) at a State university located in the Northeastern US were surveyed.
A 25-item questionnaire was administered during the Fall 2009 semester, which measured knowledge and behaviors related to oral cancer risk factors.
Participants perceived their oral health to be good (63.6%), were unaware of dental diseases (95.5%), visited a dentist (60.5%), had a dental visit (62.2%) within the last 6 months, and scheduled one (66.3%) in the next 6 months. There was a significant correlation between the behavior of use of tobacco and the perceived susceptibility to oral cancer (t = 8.10, p < 0.05) and perceived severity (t = 2.22, p < 0.05) if a person got oral cancer. There were no significant variables which predicted oral cancer screening. Having a dental visit best predicted the scheduling of a future dental visit.
Findings from this study may further assist in future health education and dental screening programs for this population group across the US.
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