Evaluation of Apical Debris Extrusion and the Remaining Canal Material during Retreatment of a Bioceramic Sealer by the XP-endo Finisher File System, Followed by Various Supplementary Methods: An in Vitro Study
Parvathi Sudeep, Paras M Gehlot, Annapoorna B Mariswamy
Keywords :
Apically extruded debris, Bioceramic sealer, Cleaning ability, Passive ultrasonic activation, Retreatment, Sonic activation, XP-endo-finisher R
Citation Information :
Sudeep P, Gehlot PM, Mariswamy AB. Evaluation of Apical Debris Extrusion and the Remaining Canal Material during Retreatment of a Bioceramic Sealer by the XP-endo Finisher File System, Followed by Various Supplementary Methods: An in Vitro Study. World J Dent 2024; 15 (10):837-842.
Aim: To evaluate and compare the apical debris extrusion and percentage of remaining filling material following the retreatment of a bioceramic-based sealer using rotary and various supplementary retreatment techniques.
Materials and methods: About 50 single-rooted mandibular premolar teeth were instrumented with Hyflex CM and obturated with Angelus Bio-C sealer in a single-cone technique. The primary retreatment was done with the XP system, and based on the supplementary instrumentation, teeth were grouped into five (n = 10): (1) control (with no supplementary instrumentation), (2) plastic files, (3) passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), (4) EndoActivator, and (5) Rinsendo. The apical debris extrusion (in gm) was determined with a modified Myers and Montgomery model, and the remaining canal debris was calculated using AutoCAD imaging software. The data were analyzed by ANOVA test.
Results: Significant differences were found in apical debris extrusion and remaining filling material (p < 0.05). Among the supplementary techniques, Rinsendo resulted in the highest amount of apically extruded debris, while PUI resulted in the lowest percentage of residual filling material.
Conclusion: Rinsendo resulted in the most apical extrusion, while PUI provided the cleanest canals among the supplementary techniques.
Clinical significance: A supplementary step in the removal of bioceramic sealer can be recommended to enhance the canal's cleanliness. PUI had the least remaining canal material and minimal apical debris extrusion.
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