Reliability of Pont's Index in Class I Mixed-race Population in Ecuador
Dennys V Tenelanda, Nicole C Baño, Dayana A Guerrero, Mauro R Costales, Carlos A Alban, Manuel A Leon
Keywords :
Intermolar width, Interpremolar width, Mixed-race ethnicity, Pont's index
Citation Information :
Tenelanda DV, Baño NC, Guerrero DA, Costales MR, Alban CA, Leon MA. Reliability of Pont's Index in Class I Mixed-race Population in Ecuador. World J Dent 2024; 15 (4):310-315.
Aim: To analyze the reliability of the Pont's index in a mixed-race young adult population of the National University of Chimborazo (UNACH).
Materials and methods: The research was descriptive and cross-sectional. The observation was applied as a technique, including the registration form as an instrument. A total of 44 dental models of students between 19 and 25 years of age were donated by the Dental Clinic UNACH, Riobamba, considering all the selection criteria in the research. The real transverse diameters of the study models were taken at the interpremolar, upper and lower intermolar, and the mesiodistal width of the four upper incisors. Pont's index was applied with a digital caliper to take the odontometric measurements.
Results: In the two nonparametric tests for the variables that did not meet the normality tests, the actual mean maxillary intermolar width and Pont's one were not equal, as well as the real measurement of the average maxillary intermolar width and Pont's one. The means of the size were not similar in the real measures of the maxillary interpremolar width and Pont's maxillary interpremolar width. The means of measurement were the same in the mandibular interpremolar width and Pont's maxillary interpremolar width.
Conclusion: The means between the real values of the upper and lower interpremolar width and the values of the Pont's index are not equal. It means that Pont's index is unreliable in studies applied to people of mixed-race ethnicity.
Clinical significance: It is well known to professionals, especially in orthodontics, that health sciences are constantly updated, and the Pont's index is still used. However, it is necessary to understand its reliability according to the population and the ethnic group they belong to.
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