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Kumar A, Kumar MS, Mathew S, Shivamurthy PG. Three-dimensional Comparison of Infra-zygomatic Crest Thickness in Different Facial Patterns: A Cross-sectional Study. World J Dent 2023; 14 (6):552-558.
Aim: Infra-zygomatic crest (IZC) mini-screws are an important advancement for anchorage reinforcement. There are numerous studies measuring IZC bone thickness (BT), but there is less evidence regarding the choice of a specific site for this screw placement among adults with different facial types and among periodontally compromised individuals. In the case of periodontitis, since there is alveolar bone loss, the site of choice for mini-screws will be on the extra alveolar region. This study aims to measure the IZC thickness among different growth patterns and give an optimal site for mini-implant placement.
Materials and methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted on 48 cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) files with 24 horizontal and 24 vertical growers. The IZC thickness and insertion height (IH) in relation to the maxillary occlusal plane were measured at 70°, considering it an ideal insertion angle according to the literature. The data were recorded and statistical analysis was performed.
Results: At all the three coronal slices measured, the horizontal grower group had the maximum thickness of the IZC at the measured angulation and the results were statistically significant. Regarding IH, both groups had an IH of 13–15 mm at 70° angulation with slightly more height in the vertical grower group to the occlusal plane as per our measurement parameters. At all three coronal slices within horizontal growers and within vertical growers, IZC thickness was maximum above the distal root of the first molar.
Conclusion: The ideal site for the insertion of mini-implants in the IZC lies above the distal root of the maxillary first molar at an IH of 13–15 mm from the maxillary occlusal plane at an insertion angulation of 70°. Individuals with horizontal growth patterns have a thicker crestal bone when compared to individuals with vertical growth patterns.
Clinical significance: Above the distal root of the maxillary first molar at an IH of 13–15 mm from the maxillary occlusal plane at an insertion angulation of 70° can be considered as an optimal insertion site for mini-screws. CBCT should be considered a significant diagnostic aid for measuring the same.
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