Citation Information :
Gottumukkala SN, Ramesh KS, Mantena SR, Anusha B, Pasupuleti MK. Awareness and Pragmatic Use of Respirators among Dental Healthcare Professionals during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study. World J Dent 2023; 14 (1):47-51.
Aim: This cross-sectional study intends to assess dental healthcare professionals’ (DHCPs) knowledge and awareness of the proper use and reuse of respirators.
Materials and methods: A hospital-based cross-sectional survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire adapted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines regarding the use of respirators with the primary objective of cognizance regarding fit testing, use, reuse, and reprocessing. A total of 478 dental professionals, including 192 postgraduate (PG) students, 176 interns, and 110 teaching faculty, participated in the survey. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: A cumulative assessment revealed that 56.9% of dental professionals signed in to use level III masks and 29.3% for N95/KN95 respirators. Amongst those individuals using respirators, only 2.9% have got fit testing done. 92.1% (n = 440) were clueless about the various fit testing methods. 75.7% of DHCPs chose rotation base reuse of respirators rather than extended use of respirators.
Conclusion: Clear evidence of incognizance among dental professionals regarding respirator use may put the health care professional at risk of infection. The incorporation of respirator training in infection prevention and control programs should be a prerequisite for preventing cross-infection.
Clinical significance: There is a definite need for regular training and educational programs among DHCPs on various infection control protocols with the incorporation of respirator training and the terms of use of the respirator.
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