Citation Information :
Rajasekhar R, James B, Devadathan A, Sebastian VM, Sathyan M. An In Vitro Evaluation of Antibacterial and Smear Layer Removal Efficacy of Silver Nanoparticles as Final Irrigant against Enterococcus Faecalis. World J Dent 2022; 13 (2):148-154.
Aim and objective: The aim and objective of this study is to assess the antibacterial and smear layer removal efficacy of silver nanoparticles as final irrigant against Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) using confocal laser scanning and scanning electron microscope, respectively.
Materials and methods: Forty single-rooted mandibular premolar teeth were instrumented till Protaper Gold F3 after decoronation. E. faecalis were inoculated in all samples and they were divided into five groups based on the irrigant used into group A= silver nanoparticle (AgNp), group B= AgNp + 17% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), group C= 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), group D= NaOCl 5.25% +17% EDTA, group E= Distilled water. After irrigation roots were split longitudinally and assessed for confocal and SEM.
Results: Groups C and D showed the greatest reduction in the percentage of live bacteria with no significant difference between them. Groups A and B has shown reduction in live bacterial percentage but not greater than groups C and D. Group E showed the greatest percentage of live bacteria. In smear layer analysis, greatest amount of smear layer was found in groups C and E in the coronal, middle, and apical third with no significant difference between them. However, greater smear layer reduction was seen in groups B and D. Group A has shown reduction in smear layer score which is greater than group C with significant difference between them.
Conclusion: Irrigation with NaOCl (group C), NaOCl + 17% EDTA (group D) showed greatest reduction in live bacteria followed by AgNp +17% EDTA (Group B) and AgNp (group A) whereas greater smear layer removal is seen with irrigation with AgNp + 17%EDTA (group B) and NaOCl +17% EDTA (group D) followed by AgNp (group A), NaOCl (group C).
Clinical significance: Based on the results from this study, AgNp irrigant has some antibacterial and smear layer removal capability. This study shows the possible potential of using nanoparticles as a single irrigant which can have dual action of antibacterial and smear layer removal efficacy.
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