World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 13 , ISSUE S1 ( Supplementary Issue 1, 2022 ) > List of Articles


Devise of an Innovative, UV-enabled, and Self-sanitizing Prosthesis Trimming Unit: A Clinical Technique

Anil Kumar Gujjari, Sankeerth Gujjari, Priya Mukherjee, Sheela Kumar Gujjari, Meenakshi Iyer, KN RaghavendraSwamy

Keywords : Debris, Handpiece, Inhalation, Prosthesis, Sanitization, Trimming, Ultraviolet

Citation Information :

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-2117

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-10-2022

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).


Aim: The aim of the study is to devise an innovative, ultraviolet (UV) enabled, self-sanitizing prosthesis trimming unit for dental prostheses in order to safeguard the dental operators and technicians from fine material pollutants and prevent nosocomial infection due to cross-contamination. Background: As the prosthesis remains soaked in the saliva, it tends to harbor microbes forming a safe haven for them. The process of trimming, for subsequent adjustments and corrections, makes these contaminated particles from the denture become airborne. The inhalation of the same infects the dental personnel. Therefore, trimming and smoothening of contaminated prostheses is considered a biological hazard, and it requires innovation and development to minimize the same. Technique: A closed unit of 12 × 15 inches Plexi fiber fitted with a straight handpiece and UV light was made for trimming of the prosthesis and later sanitization of the unit. A large transparent lid was hinged to the box from the top. A light-emitting diode (LED) light was used to enhance visibility during trimming. The box was fitted with gloves for the operator to insert their hands to trim the prosthesis with the handpiece inside. An inlet window of 2 × 4 inches covered with a split rubber dam sheet facilitated the placement of the prosthesis inside the unit for trimming. Sanitization of the unit was achieved by switching on an UV light of wavelength 222 nm placed inside the unit for 30 minutes. Conclusion: The unit has been designed to be effective in negating the danger of inhalation of contaminants released during denture trimming. The design helps in preventing aerosol contamination to the staff and cross-contamination to subsequent patients and the environment. Clinical significance: The unit has been developed to decrease aerosol contamination and safeguard the operatory from infections, especially considering the current COVID-19 scenario. The equipment can be effectively used in dental clinics and laboratories. It may be modified to accommodate dental lathes. Microbiological analysis of the unit to evaluate its quantitative efficacy can be further incorporated.

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