Oral Health Illness Perception and Dental Caries: A Cross-sectional Study among Adult Dental Patients, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Pandi Sudarshan Shulamithi, Suhas Kulkarni, Dolar Doshi, Madepu Padma Reddy, Adepu Srilatha, Dantala Satyanarayana
Keywords :
Caries assessment spectrum and treatment index, Dental caries, Illness perception, Oral health, Revised illness perception questionnaire for oral health
Citation Information :
Shulamithi PS, Kulkarni S, Doshi D, Reddy MP, Srilatha A, Satyanarayana D. Oral Health Illness Perception and Dental Caries: A Cross-sectional Study among Adult Dental Patients, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. World J Dent 2022; 13 (6):545-550.
Aim: To evaluate and assess the relationship between oral health illness perception and caries status among adult dental patients according to variables (age, gender, and presence of dental problems other than dental caries).
Materials and methods: A total of 311 adult dental patients with self-reported dental caries were recruited by systematic random sampling method. Oral health illness perception was assessed by using revised illness perception questionnaire for oral health (IPQ-R-OH) and caries status by caries assessment spectrum and treatment (CAST) index. Data were analyzed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPPS) version 24.0.
Results: The overall illness perception towards oral health was higher among study participants. However, when individual dimensions were considered, study participants had higher illness perception for control, emotional representation, hopelessness, and illness coherence. Based on CAST severity, higher percentage of study participants (43.8%) had pulpitis and abscess or fistula (severe morbidity). There was no significant gender difference for illness perception and CAST severity. However, study participants in the age-group of <30 years of age and who had other dental problems had significant higher illness perception and CAST severity.
Conclusion: Oral health illness perception was observed high among the study participants. Age and presence of dental problems other than dental caries were the significant predictors for illness perception.
Clinical significance: The oral health illness perception among the study participants associates with number of important outcomes such as dental care utilization, treatment adherence, and functional recovery. Further, earlier perception of dental caries reduces the progression of the disease and can be prevented.
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