World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 13 , ISSUE 4 ( July-August, 2022 ) > List of Articles


Treatment of Deeply Carious Vital Primary Molars by Complete Caries Removal Using Three Different Bioactive Materials: A Pilot Study

Divya Gupta, Shalini Garg, Abhishek Dhindsa, Sarang Khajuria

Citation Information : Gupta D, Garg S, Dhindsa A, Khajuria S. Treatment of Deeply Carious Vital Primary Molars by Complete Caries Removal Using Three Different Bioactive Materials: A Pilot Study. World J Dent 2022; 13 (4):382-388.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-2061

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 18-06-2022

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).


Aim: Present prospective clinical study compared success following the treatment of deep carious primary molars by complete caries excavation (CCE) technique followed by indirect pulp capping (IPC) or direct pulp capping (DPC), as needed per case, with three different bioinductive materials over 12 months. Materials and methods: IPC or DPC was done on CCE in 45 molars of 31 children (mean age 5.74). Both the procedures were done with one of the materials randomly assigned to group I: White mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) (n = 15, 33.3%), group II: Biodentine (n = 16, 35.5%), and group III: Dycal (n = 14, 31.2%). It was followed by restoration with resin-modified GIC and composite. Results: Tooth was used as a unit of analysis. Twenty-seven children with 41 teeth could complete 12 months’ follow-up. DPC was done in 20% of molars while IPC in 80% of molars. The success rate of CCE irrespective of the materials and in procedure pulpal exposure was 91.1%. MTA showed 100% success, followed by Biodentine with 94 and 75% in the Dycal group. Conclusion: CCE may be considered a definitive procedure in treating deeply carious primary molars when we use calcium silicate-based materials, MTA or Biodentine, compared to Dycal in IPC and DPC procedures. Clinical significance: Calcium silicate pulp capping may be a reliable option for treating deep carious primary molars, even in the cases of pulpal exposure during the procedure.

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