Disc Displacement with Intermittent Lock: A Case Series of a Rarely-addressed Disorder
Bachar Reda, Luca Contardo, Abbass El-Outa
Citation Information :
Reda B, Contardo L, El-Outa A. Disc Displacement with Intermittent Lock: A Case Series of a Rarely-addressed Disorder. World J Dent 2022; 13 (3):277-282.
Aim: We describe a series of five cases presented with disc displacement with reduction and intermittent lock (DDwRIL), from presentation to follow-up.
Background: Disc displacement with reduction with intermittent lock is a temporomandibular disorder in which the disc is displaced and reduced, along with temporary locking leading to limited opening. Due to the fact that it has only been recognized as a separate disease in 2013, there is no clear guideline on the management of these cases.
Cases descriptions: We present five cases of clinically established DDwRIL in different age groups. We walk through clinical presentation and diagnostic workup. Several modalities were used in the management of described cases from noninterventional management with counselling only to physical and splint therapies.
Conclusion: Disc displacement with reduction, with intermittent locking is a challenging temporomandibular disorder with risk to progress into disc displacement without reduction and hence necessitates a tailored approach and long-term follow-up.
Clinical significance: To our knowledge, this is the first case series reported on DDwRIL which provides detailed clinical presentation, examination, management, and discussion for orofacial pain practitioners as well as for future studies on this disease.
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