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Madasamy R, Prabhakar R, Ramanadhan T, Ramachandran S, Natrajan R, Vasudevan S. Assessment of Roughness of Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composite Wires and Other Coated Esthetic Archwires. World J Dent 2021; 12 (2):156-159.
Aim and objective: The objective of this study was to assess the roughness of three coated archwires and fiber-reinforced polymer composite wires “as received” and post-deflection.
Materials and methods: The sample comprises 40 esthetic archwire segments (n = 10) with 0.018″ size of epoxy-coated NiTi wire (G&H), optiflex (Ormco), rhodium-coated NiTi wires (American Orthodontics), and fiber-reinforced polymer composite wires (Biomers) were analyzed. The specimen was evaluated for roughness “as received” and each wire was deflected up to at a crosshead speed of 2.5 mm per minute in a universal test machine (Instron, model 4501). The evaluation of final roughness was done after a deflection on a similar aspect of wire. The comparison of roughness among the different wire brands before and after deflection was evaluated using a one-way ANOVA test. The statistically significant difference in roughness among the two groups was analyzed by Tukey's honestly significant difference test (HSD).
Results: Fiber-reinforced polymer composite wires showed mild roughness than epoxy-coated NiTi wire which showed increased roughness. ANOVA shows statistical significance among wire “as received” and post-deflection. Epoxy-coated NiTi exhibited significantly increased roughness among other groups “as-received” and after deflection (p = 0.011).
Conclusion: The coating of the esthetic wire estimates the roughness of orthodontic wires, but it is determined by the coating method. The roughness is increased after a deflection in wires. Epoxy-coated wires showed significantly increased roughness in comparison with other esthetic archwires.
Clinical significance: The roughness of the surface influences friction, color stability, and deterioration properties. It stipulates the stability of color in archwires, effectiveness of guided tooth movement over the archwire, and biocompatibility.
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