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Ramkumar A, Raghunath N, Avinash B. Evaluation and Comparison of the Rate of Canine Retraction Using Two Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment Techniques: An In Vivo Study. World J Dent 2020; 11 (2):105-111.
Aim: The study was aimed at evaluating and comparing the rate of canine retraction using piezocision (PZ) and micro-osteoperforation (MOP). Materials and methods: A split-mouth study design was used in which the canine of each side of the arch of each subject was divided into the PZ side and the MOP side. After first premolar extraction, PZ was performed on one side and MOP was performed on the contralateral side. Canine retraction on both sides was performed using NiTi closed coil springs. All the measurements were performed by a direct technique with the help of a digital Vernier caliper on stone casts obtained before canine retraction (T0) and after the completion (T1) of retraction. This data of the rate of individual canine retraction in the PZ and MOP groups obtained were subjected to the statistical analysis. Results: The mean rate of canine retraction was 1.64 ± 0.43 mm/month for the PZ group and 1.34 ± 0.51 mm/month for the MOP group. The paired difference in the rates of the canine retraction was 0.39 ± 0.26 mm/month, which was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Canine retraction on the PZ was seen to be 1.22 folds faster than the MOP side. Conclusion: Piezocision showed a significant increase in the rate of canine retraction whereas MOP showed a nominal increase in the rate of canine retraction. Piezocision increased the rate of canine retraction by 1.2 folds compared to MOP. Clinical significance: The need to reduce the duration of treatment and the associated factors is the need of the hour. There is therefore a need to find the best and most feasible approach to accelerate tooth movement with existing biomechanical systems.
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