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Salam TA, Shenoy RP. Prevalence and Clinical Parameters of Cervical Abrasion as a Function of Population, Age, Gender, and Toothbrushing Habits: A Systematic Review. World J Dent 2019; 10 (6):470-480.
Aim: To determine specific differences in prevalence and etiology of cervical abrasion (CA) related to age, gender, and population and to recommend optimal management protocols. Background: Cervical abrasion is a part of a spectrum of regressive changes in teeth called noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs). These are physiological or pathological alterations as a function of time, related to physical and/or chemical factors. There are multiple variables involved in the pathogenesis and management of these lesions. There may be age-, gender-, and population-based differences in prevalence and clinical parameters of CA. Results: Our review selected 24 studies from an initial 3,876 titles. We found significant differences in prevalence of CA in relation to age, toothbrushing frequency, brush type, and brushing technique. There were definite conclusion regarding type of teeth affected and appropriate management to enhance quality of life of the patients. Data on CA are inconsistent and need standardization. Conclusion: Cervical abrasion varies in prevalence across countries. However, it exhibits definite age-related increase. There is no gender predilection. The frequency of toothbrushing, type of brush, brushing technique, and use of dentifrice influences the prevalence. Certain teeth are more susceptible to abrasion than others. Resin-modified glass ionomers were reported to be better for treating this condition. Clinical significance: There is no standardized methodology to diagnose the presence and clinical severity of dental abrasion. This affects data on prevalence, habits, and management. Standardized protocol and tools may be developed for the same, and would improve outcomes particularly in vulnerable groups like geriatric populations, which are mainly affected by this condition.
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