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Ghahramani Y, Ghaffaripour D, Mohammadi N. In Vitro Evaluation of the Fracture Resistance of Biodentine Pulpotomized Primary Molars Restored with Different Dental Materials. World J Dent 2019; 10 (4):301-305.
Aim: Biodentine is a biocompatible, bioactive material with dentin regeneration potential that is known as the future material of choice in primary tooth pulp therapy. Biodentine (BD) is also designed as a dentine substitute in direct posterior restorations. So, the aim of this study is to evaluate the fracture resistance of BD pulpotomized primary molars, restored with different restorative techniques.
Materials and methods: A total of 36 extracted primary second molar teeth were selected. Standardized class I access cavity preparation was done and then the teeth were randomly divided into three experimental groups of 12 in each. Group I (n = 12): BD and glass ionomer as liners with composite resin as restoration, group II (n = 12): BD as both liner and restoration; and group III (n = 12): BD and glass ionomer as liners with amalgam as restoration. After water storage and thermocycling, static fracture resistance was tested. Data (in Newtons) were analyzed using one-way ANOVA (α = 0.05).
Results: Statistically significant difference was observed among groups of the study (p value = 0.000). Composite group showed the maximum fracture resistance and amalgam group exhibited the least (2371.67 N vs 1912.17 N). Application of composite and BD respectively led to higher numbers of restorable fractures (75%).
Conclusion: In pulpotomized primary molars using biodentine, composite restoration shows the best fracture resistance followed by BD and amalgam restorations.
Clinical significance: In order to improve the outcome of endodontic treatment in primary molars, biodentine can be used successfully as both pulpotomy and restorative material to achieve less time-consuming treatment in children.
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