Health-related Quality of Life and Satisfaction of the Patient Following Orthognathic Surgery in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ghadi DA Duhduh, Tasneem KM Arishi, Omar A Darraj, Aziza MA Alqadi
Keywords :
Facial esthetic, Orthognathic surgery, Postoperative complication, Quality of life
Citation Information :
Duhduh GD, Arishi TK, Darraj OA, Alqadi AM. Health-related Quality of Life and Satisfaction of the Patient Following Orthognathic Surgery in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. World J Dent 2019; 10 (4):270-274.
Introduction: Most patients undergo orthognathic surgery (OS) to improve their beauty and correct functional imbalances. OS is also performed in the case of temporomandibular joint disorders to reduce facial pain and enhance the quality of life of patients.
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of life of patients who undergo OS in terms of esthetic appearances, chewing, and postoperative complications and to assess the percentage of satisfaction among patients in terms of facial appearances, friends’ and relatives’ opinions, and functional performance of the oral cavity.
Materials and methods: Data of 73 patients who underwent OS in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were collected from their medical records. A brief questionnaire was prepared on the basis of previous studies with some modifications. Data were collected and a questionnaire was answered via a telephone interview with these patients. Questions were related to the patients’ basic demographic information and their postoperative complications, such as swelling, pain, chewing difficulty, and snoring. The second part was introduced as a questionnaire designed by the researchers to measure the patients’ satisfaction regarding OS. This questionnaire was related to the appearance of the face from the side and front views and to the level of attractiveness perceived by patients themselves and their relatives and friends after OS. This questionnaire also included improvements in oral functions, such as chewing. The overall performance of the oral cavity was assessed. Data were analyzed using SPSS.
Results: A total of 50 patients completed the telephone interview and the examination. The highest number of subjects was in the young age group of 19–25 years. Of these patients, 31 (62%) showed a positive result on the snoring outcomes, and 25 (50%) complained of pain and swelling. Furthermore, 33 (66%) and 27 (54%) patients reported improvements in chewing and facial esthetic outcomes, respectively. More than 50% of the patients were satisfied in their facial appearance from the side and front views. Patients’ perception of their attractiveness and their friends’ and family's opinion about their facial appearance recorded were between 60% and 62%. Other questions dealing with improvements in eating, chewing, and overall oral cavity performance gained 42–18%. All variables showed significant differences at the level of p value more than 0.050.
Conclusion: Overall, the majority of the OS patients showed positive results in terms of chewing, snoring, facial esthetics, pain, and swelling during their recovery time. Patients are mostly satisfied with the overall facial attractiveness results as well as the opinions of their relatives and friends.
Clinical significance: OS is performed to enhance the appearance and function of the oral cavity, which may end with a positive effect of the patient's oral function, self-esteem, and social interaction.
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