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Alobaid AS, Meerasahib MA, Alsafi ZA, Alamri FA, Mohammad AB, Alqaisi AY. Quality of Obturation Performed by Undergraduate Students Attending College of Dentistry at King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia. World J Dent 2019; 10 (2):119-122.
Aim: To evaluate and compare the quality of root canal filling performed by junior and senior undergraduate students attending College of Dentistry at King Khalid University (KKUCOD).
Materials and methods: A total of 460 radiographs of teeth treated by two different levels of students were eligible for the study. Undergraduate students under the close supervision of endodontists following KKUCOD endodontic protocol performed all randomized controlled trial (RCTs). Three different examiners independently evaluated the radiographs after 4 weeks training with endodontists on radiographic analysis with the good interexaminer agreement. The quality of root canal filling was evaluated in regard to length, density, taper and encountered procedural errors during treatment having the final outcome as either acceptable or not-acceptable root canal filling.
Results: The percentage of root canal obturation with adequate length of was 57% for lower-level students and 69.3% for higher-level students. A higher proportion of students in lower-level performed obturation with inadequate density compared to higher-level students. Inadequate tapering was significantly more in lower-level student. Considering tooth type, overall RCT quality was similar in anterior and premolars between different student levels while it was significantly inadequate in molars among lower-level students.
Conclusion: The quality of root canal filling was satisfactory compared to other similar studies in Saudi Arabia. Teaching crown-down technique and rotary instrumentation training are recommended. Finally, Molars and multirooted premolars should be referred to specialists.
Clinical significance: It is highly important to closely monitor undergraduate students in performing RCTs to increase the quality of treatment. This will increase the success of treatment performed by general practitioners, reduce a load of referral to specialists and decrease the long waiting lists in dental service centers in Saudi Arabia.
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