The aim of this review is to summarize and discuss the available information concerning the connection between the tooth and implant in a fixed partial denture.
Although implant-supported prosthesis (ISP) has substantial biological and biomechanical advantages, due to the extensive use of implant in partially edentulous patients, encounter to cases of obligatory connection between the tooth and implant is not rare. However, because of their differences, especially in support mechanism, long-term prognosis of this treatment method is a special debate in dental literature.
Materials and methods
The literature published over the past 25 years was searched through PubMed, Medline, Google and indexed journals (search terms: tooth implant connection, tooth implant-supported fixed partial denture, tooth implant splinting, implant and tooth). The most valuable and relevant articles were selected and analyzed.
Results and discussion
The existing studies reveal that there are certain conditions in which this method is applicable. The main advantage of the method based on literature reviewed is reducing the need to the removable prosthesis in patients that otherwise require it. The disadvantages of this connection, mainly due to different movement range of components under loading, reportedly will be minimized if some guidelines are followed.
Clinical significance
According to available studies, this literature review supports tooth-implant connection technique where indicated, with complete attention to prudent guidelines. Further researches preferably concentrating on new methods and also long-term longitudinal studies are certainly needed before this approach can be widely used.
How to cite this article
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