World Journal of Dentistry
Volume 13 | Issue 1 | Year 2022

Awareness, Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices in the Management of Biomedical Waste: A Multivariate Analysis of Associated Factors in Peruvian Students

Frank Mayta-Tovalino1, Arnaldo Munive-Degregori2, Rocío Bocanegra3, Roman Mendoza4, Juan Alvitez5, Abigail Temoche6

1Postgraduate Department, CHANGE Research Working Group, Faculty of Health of Sciences, Universidad Cientifica del Sur, Lima, Peru

2,3Academic Department of Rehabilitative Stomatology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru

4Academic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Peru

5,6Academic Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Peru

Corresponding Author: Frank Mayta-Tovalino, Postgraduate Department, CHANGE Research Working Group, Faculty of Health of Sciences, Universidad Cientifica del Sur, Lima, Peru, Phone: +5112142500, e-mail: fmaytat@cientifica.edu.pe


Aim and objective: To evaluate the awareness, knowledge, attitude, and practices in the management of biomedical waste (BMW) by multivariate analysis of associated factors in Peruvian dentistry students.

Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical-multivariate study was conducted to evaluate the entire population of undergraduate dentistry students of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (N = 254) from April to October 2019. The variables analyzed were gender (X1), age (X2), year of study (X3), and marital status (X4). The Logit model was implemented including all risk factors to explain which variables significantly influence the dependent variable. The crude odd ratio (OR) was used with a level of significance p < 0.05.

Results: The Logit model showed that age, gender, year of study and marital status do not significantly influence awareness, knowledge, attitude, and practices in the management of BMW, showing a crude OR of 1.0 95% confidence interval (CI) [0.89–1.14]; 1.1 95% CI [0.68–2.02]; 0.8 95% CI [0.64–1.10] and 1.2 95% CI [0.37–3.93] respectively.

Conclusion: The variables age, gender, year of study and marital status do not significantly influence the awareness, knowledge, attitude, and practices in the management BMW of Peruvian dental students.

Clinical significance: This research allows to know the knowledge about the management of biomedical waste of Peruvian dental students.

How to cite this article: Mayta-Tovalino F, Munive-Degregori A, Bocanegra R, et al. Awareness, Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices in the Management of Biomedical Waste: A Multivariate Analysis of Associated Factors in Peruvian Students. World J Dent 2022;13(1):3–8.

Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None

Keywords: Awareness, Biomedical waste, Dental student.


Nonbiodegradable waste from gloves, gauze, plastic syringes, silicone, plasters, X-ray revealing liquid, among other products, is routinely produced during clinical activities in health centers, leading to the generation of environmental pollution. Such waste is commonly referred to as biomedical waste (BMW), although it is also known as clinical waste, medical waste and sanitary waste in different parts of the world. This type of waste constitutes approximately one third of the total waste generated in health centers.1,3

Nonetheless, BMW can be even more dangerous since it can also contain infectious diseases/agents, which can cause soil, water and air pollution unless handled adequately. This usually occurs in hospitals, clinics, laboratories or the like during health care, research, tests or procedures related to humans or animals. For this reason, adequate management must be considered with regard to the handling of BMW, including effective transport and waste elimination to avoid damage derived, and reusable materials should be recycled.2,4

In the last decades, the amount of BMW generated has significantly increased directly in proportion to the rise in the number of nonregulated dental offices which lack adequate BMW plans to manage the elimination of sharp materials, body tissues, fixing chemicals, mercury, silver thiosulfate, lead sheets, and amalgam, among other products. It is vital to address this public health problem. However, there is limited scientific literature on the attitude regarding BMW management among dental students, who are actually the future professionals who will be required to manage and protect the environment.5,8

One clear example of BMW is solid and liquid waste from dental laboratories which are often disposed of without any sanitary control. The reasons for improper management are multiple: lack of supervision by health authorities, lack of knowledge and poor attitude of dental technicians as well as inadequate waste facilities.9,10

Currently, it is very important that students from the undergraduate level understand and become aware of the impact of the correct integral management of biomedical waste. Due to the potential effect and risk that these wastes can cause since they can cause cross-contamination among health personnel and a direct impact on the environment. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the awareness, knowledge, attitude and practices in the management of BMW by multivariate analysis of risk factors in Peruvian dentistry students.


Design and Sample Size

The design of the present investigation was an observational, and analytical study. The unit of analysis was composed of undergraduate dentistry students. No probabilistic sampling was used because the entire population was evaluated. We evaluated all second to fifth-year students (N = 254) of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) Lima, Peru. During the academic year from September to December 2019. This investigation was carried out according to the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines.

Inclusion criteria

  • Students of legal age and both sexes.

  • Students duly enrolled during the 2019 academic year.

  • Students providing informed consent.

  • Students of preclinical and clinical courses.

Exclusion criteria

  • Students with irregular enrollment.

  • Students who did not wish to participate.

Evaluation of Associated Factors

The associated factors evaluated with respect to BMW management awareness, knowledge, attitude, and practices by predental students were: gender (X1), age (X2), year of study (X3), and marital status (X4). All these variables were established as they were the main co-variables that characterized the Peruvian dental students.

Measuring Instrument

A face-to-face survey was conducted where data collection was carried out with the help of the Biomedical Waste Management Awareness & Knowledge (BWMAK) Questionnaire validated in a previous study.11 This instrument is composed of two parts. The first part contains questions focused on assessing the awareness of dentists regarding BMW incurred by dental care, and the second part contains questions about practices of dental care management among dentists. The BWMAK questionnaire has 13 questions of which the first three assess knowledge and attitude regarding management policies of BMW management, the following nine questions assess knowledge about BMW management practices, and the last questions assess the awareness of the subjects regarding the management of BMW.11 Finally, to avoid variations in the questions and answers of the original English questionnaire, the BWMAK was translated into Spanish by the Peruvian American Cultural Institute (ICPNA).

Data Collection

The students evaluated had no special training regarding the handling of BMW, only the clinical training of the pregraduate courses. All data collection was performed by a single observer, so no inter-examiner calibration was needed. Signed informed consent was obtained from all the study participants. Data were collected anonymously using the BWMAK instrument. A pilot study was previously carried out, and according to the information and feedback obtained, the questionnaire was modified. The participants of the pilot study were considered in all the individuals evaluated. Finally, each student filled out the self-administered questionnaire in approximately 15 minutes. All the data collection was performed by the same operator to avoid any bias in the collection of information.

Statistical Analysis

Descriptive analysis of the numerical variables was performed using arithmetic means and the standard deviation, while frequencies and percentages were obtained for the categorical variables. Bivariate analysis was performed using the Chi-square and Student’s t-tests, as appropriate. Finally, logistic regression and odds ratio analyses were performed to determine the risk factors using the Logit models. The Stata® 15.0 statistical software was used for the statistical analyses. A p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant in all the analyses.


Of the 254 students included, 154 were females (60.6%), and the largest student population was in the third year of the study with 75 students (29.5%). The marital status of being single was the most prevalent among the 254 students (98.4%) evaluated and in relation to the average the mean age was 22.2 ± 2.3 years (Table 1).

Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of Peruvian dentistry students
Variable Categories n %
Gender Male 100 39.3
Female 154 60.6
Year of study Second 57 22.4
Third 75 29.5
Fourth 66 25.9
Fifth 56 22
Marital status Single 250 98.4
Married 0 0
Cohabiting 4 1.5
Mean SD
Age 22.2 2.3

The results were correlated according to gender because it is one of the most contrasted covariates in the antecedents. According to awareness, there was no statistically significant association with the gender of the dentistry undergraduate students in relation to Q1 (Awareness regarding different categories of BMW generated in the clinic–o–Are you aware of the different categories of BMW generated in the clinic?) and Q2 (Awareness regarding various color codes for different types of BMW–o–Are you aware of the various color codes for different types of BMW (p > 0.05). Finally, in relation to question Q4 (The sharp objects must be selected in?), Q5 (Category of expired or expired drugs in which?) and Q6 (Category of impression material and cotton) if there was a significant association according to sex (Table 2).

Table 2: Student awareness of dental waste
Female Male p
n % n %
Q1. Awareness regarding different categories of biomedical waste generated in the clinic
Yes 32 66.6 16 33.3 0.449
No 122 59 84 40.9
Q2. Awareness regarding various color coding for different types of biomedical wastes
Yes 50 70.4 21 29.5 0.047
No 104 56.8 79 43.1
Q3. Human anatomical wastes should be disposed in
Yellow container 28 52.8 25 47.1 0.494
Red container 60 62.5 36 37.5
Blue/white container 6 60 4 40
Black container 21 53.8 18 46.1
Don’t know 35 68.3 16 31.7
No answer 4 80 1 20
Q4. Sharps should be disposed in
Yellow container 47 54.6 39 45.3 0.004
Red container 71 64.5 39 35.4
Blue/white container 2 16.6 10 83.3
Black container 30 73.1 11 26.8
Don’t know 4 80 1 20
No answer 0 0 0 0
Q5. Category of outdated or expired medicines fall in which category
Chemical waste 30 69.7 13 30.2 0.024
Cytotoxic waste 45 52.3 41 47.6
Biotechnological waste 50 56.1 39 43.8
Don’t know 26 78.7 7 21.2
No answer 3 100 0 0
Q6. Category of impression material and cotton
Solid waste 64 70.3 27 29.6 0.04
Soiled waste 89 54.9 73 45
Infected waste 1 100 0 0
Don’t know 0 0 0 0
No answer 0 0 0 0

In relation to the attitudes and practices that undergraduate students have about dental waste management, only questions Q7 (Do you segregate different types of wastes in your clinic) and Q10 (How do you dispose of X-ray film lead foils and X-ray films) were significantly associated with gender (p < 0.05) (Table 3).

Table 3: Attitudes and practices of dental waste management
Female Male p
n % n %
Q7. Do you segregate different types of wastes in your clinic?
Yes 64 70.3 27 29.6 0.040
No 90 55.9 74 45
Q8. How do you dispose of infected needles?
Dispose in common bin 16 76.1 5 23.8
Break the needle and dispose 12 66.6 6 33.3 0.417
Destroy the needle in needle burner 1 50 1 50
Dispose of it in puncture proof bags 125 58.6 88 41.3
Q9. How do you dispose of developer and fixer?
Directly in the wash basin 16 50 16 50
Dilute it and dispose 62 60.1 41 39.8
Add new and reuse 4 57.1 3 42.8 0.692
Others 12 66.6 6 33.3
Do not know 60 63.8 34 36.1
Q10. How do you dispose of X-ray film lead foils and x ray films?
Dispose in common bin 46 49.4 47 50.5
Store it separately and then dispose of in secured 60 60 40 40
Landfills by experts 1 100 0 0 0.005
Bury it 6 100 0 0
Others 41 75.9 13 24
Do not know 0 0 0 0
Q11. How do you dispose of outdated or expired medicines?
Dispose in common bin 61 59.2 42 40.7
Store separately and dispose 61 61 39 39
Bury it 2 100 0 0 0.821
Dispose it in secured landfills 6 66.6 3 33.3
Others 24 60 16 40
Do not know 0 0 0 0
Q12. How do you dispose of extracted teeth?
Dispose in common bin 27 71 11 28.9
Yellow container 26 55.3 21 44.6
Red container 66 57.8 48 42.1
Blue/white container 11 68.7 5 31.2 0.667
Black container 23 62.1 14 37.8
Q13. How do you store excess silver amalgam?
Dispose in common bin 27 71 11 28.9
Store in air tight container with water 26 55.3 21 44.6 0.667
Store in a fixer 66 57.8 48 42.1
Don’t know 11 68.7 5 31.2
Do not use 23 62.1 14 37.8

This model showed that none of the independent variables (age, gender, year of study, and marital status) significantly influenced the awareness, knowledge, attitude, and practices in BMW management. An adjusted logit model was not necessary because a crude odd ratio (OR) of 1.0 with a 95% confidence interval (CI) was found [0.89–1.14]; 1.1 95% CI [0.68–2.02]; 0.8 95% CI [0.64–1.10] and 1.2 95% CI [0.37–3.93] respectively (Table 4).

Table 4: Multivariate logistic regression model of each risk factor of awareness, knowledge, attitude and practices in the management of biomedical waste
Independent variables OR p 95% CI
(X1) Age 1.0 0.869 0.89–1.14
(X2) Gender 1.1 0.561 0.68–2.02
(X3) Year of study 0.8 0.227 0.64–1.10
(X4) Marital status 1.2 0.744 0.37–3.93

Logistic Model: All the variables were entered in the statistical analysis of the multivariate model

CI, Confidence interval;

OR, Odds ratio

The Logistic model showed that age, gender, year of study and marital status do not significantly influence the awareness, knowledge, attitude, and practices in the management of biomedical waste


This study was carried out to evaluate the awareness, knowledge, attitude, and practices in BMW management of Peruvian dental students and to determine the reality of waste management by public universities. Hospitals and other medical institutions have an obligation to preserve public health and must, therefore, take careful measures for disposing of BMW. Indeed, poor management of these waste products would put patients’ health at risk.11,15

Dental care generates different types of potentially toxic waste, which may include solid or liquid products such as: gauze, gloves, masks, syringes, dental floss, dental impressions, wax, dental amalgam, among others, containing traces of saliva, blood and toxic agents which could be harmful to not only patients but also health care providers and even the environment.15,16

The present study found that an adequate proportion of Peruvian dental students knew about the management and practices of BMW and were aware of the need for adequate waste disposal protocols that are environmentally friendly. In addition, most of the students evaluated in the present study had an efficient attitude in relation to the management of BWM compared to studies carried out in other countries,15,17 thereby making the likelihood of these students becoming contaminated by BMW low.

In the study by Bansal et al.11 52% of the participants were men and 48% women. They found that only 14% of dentists were unaware of the types of waste categories in their health centers, and 12% of health personnel did not know the color-coding used for the waste disposal. In addition, around 26% had bad practices to eliminate sharp objects and freshly extracted teeth. Therefore, they concluded that most of the dentists evaluated in that study knew the categories and color codes used in the disposal of different types of waste, but they did not apply these protocols in their clinical practice. On the other hand, according to the study by Raghuvanshi et al.12 80% of private practice dentists knew the BMW categories compared to 100% of public institution dentists. However, 41% of private dentists disposed of the chemical waste directly into sewers, and some private professionals disposed them directly without any treatment. They concluded that most dentists had adequate knowledge about the management of BMW. These results are similar to those of the present study which also found that a high percentage of Peruvian dentistry students (99.9%) were aware of the color codes for different types of BMW.

However, our results differ from those of the study by Abhishek et al.13 including 186 professionals, 71 (38%) of whom were women and 115 (62%) were men. They found a significant association between the study subjects and their knowledge, practice, and management of dental waste. In addition, they reported a statistically significant correlation (p = 0.0001) between participants’ knowledge and practice scores. They concluded that there was a poor level of knowledge about proper BMW disposal among the dentists in India evaluated. In contrast with our results, Sharma et al.14 found a low level of knowledge and awareness regarding risks, and BMW management among the health personnel evaluated. They also reported that 36% of nurses had extremely poor knowledge, and only 15% of health workers had excellent knowledge of the practice and management of BMW. Therefore, they concluded that there are low levels of knowledge and awareness about the risks, and management of BMW. These results are consistent with those described in the systematic review by Kapoor et al.15 which showed that the level of knowledge and awareness of the subjects evaluated in dental education institutions in India were inadequate in relation to the practice and the handling of BMW. Thus, BMW awareness programs are greatly needed to improve this situation.

Finally, contrary to the results of the present study, several other studies have also reported that not all dentists are aware of the risks to which they are exposed by bad BMW management, and only half of the participants in these studies observed infection control practices. Moreover, they are unaware of the proper management that should be taken regarding hospital waste. The lack of awareness about BMW among auxiliary dental staff in hospitals and dental clinics can generate multiple cross-contamination.16 Therefore, it is necessary to train health personnel about the risks associated with improper BMW disposal at all levels to ensure safety measures for the environment and public health.17

The main limitations of this research were the different study schedules to place students in the different courses they studied. Some students were not properly enrolled and could not sign the informed consent and were excluded from the study. Finally, data collection required the interruption of their class or clinical practice. However, one of the strengths of this study is that it allowed a situational diagnosis of how Peruvian public university dental students manage BMW.18 The results of this study demonstrate awareness of BMW management, effective recycling and the reuse of dental materials, which are necessary to prevent the exposure of teachers, students and administrative staff to risks. Nonetheless, further training and information are needed mainly in order to change attitudes.

According to the results of the present study, the following recommendations could be made: Continuous education on the management of BMW should be implemented by the Peruvian Ministry of Health. Faculty directors should enforce correct waste disposal or treatment according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health to avoid contamination to both the environment and persons in direct contact with BMW. Regulations and continuous evaluation of good BMW management protocols should be promoted among teachers, administrators and students to ensure awareness and good attitudes towards waste disposal in the appropriate containers.


In conclusion, within the limitations of the study the logit model showed that age, gender, year of study and marital status do not significantly influence the awareness, knowledge, attitude, and practices in the management BMW of Peruvian dental students.


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