Factors Influencing Patients' Satisfaction with Anterior Teeth Restorations in Ha'il City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Nabila Anwar, Modhi M Alfawzan, Asma M Alenezi, Nasser F Al-Ateeq, Ammar A Siddiqui, Hazza A Alhobeira
Keywords :
Anterior tooth restoration, Dental appearance, Ha il city, Patient satisfaction
Citation Information :
Anwar N, Alfawzan MM, Alenezi AM, Al-Ateeq NF, A Siddiqui A, Alhobeira HA. Factors Influencing Patients' Satisfaction with Anterior Teeth Restorations in Ha'il City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. World J Dent 2018; 9 (5):394-400.
Background: To develop broad-based treatment options for esthetics it is necessary to obtain a better understanding of the factors determining patient's satisfaction.
Objective: This study was designed to identify the association between the related factors and patient's satisfaction with their dental appearance and anterior teeth restoration.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study of 400 patients comprising of 120 males and 280 females within the age range 20 to 59 years were selected for this study from different dental clinics of Ha'il region. The data were collected based on a structured questionnaire by trained interviewers. The authors evaluate patient satisfaction with respect to demographic variables such as age, sex, educational qualification and level of income.
Results: Out of 400 population, the majority of the individuals participated in this study was females (70%) as compared to males (30%). Of these participants, the individual between age range 20 to 29 years (61.2%) seemed to be more satisfied with their dental appearance which is statistically significant (p < 0.007), however, satisfaction rate among the Saudi population (64.8%) was comparatively low concerning their tooth color.
Conclusion: In general, a high level of dissatisfaction with participants' teeth color were evident in this study. Based on the results, that irrespective of the age group it provides us with important information for the potential need to understand patients' perception about their teeth appearance and color. It will help the dentist to carry an adequate and appropriate treatment plan to meet the desired level of patient satisfaction.
Clinical significance: The main goal of esthetic restoration is to achieve the best appearance of the teeth and at the same time preserve the vitality and function of the teeth. Appearance is considered the key element in social interaction and success nowadays. Hence, the esthetic of patients considered central to help people achieve optimum oral health without embarrassment.
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