Citation Information :
Soykher M, Orlova O, Soykher M, Shershneva D, Vekilyan L, Kotlyarov V, Soykher E, Stroganova A. Electromyography Values of Chewing Muscles in Healthy and Bruxing Conditions. World J Dent 2018; 9 (5):345-348.
Introduction: Bruxism is one of the mounting questions in contemporary dentistry due to its high prevalence, various clinical presentations, difficulties in diagnostics and treatment, demanding a complex approach from doctors of different specialties.
Aim: The aim of the current study was to describe the electromyographic values of chewing muscles in healthy persons and patients with bruxism and to find the biomarkers for early diagnostics of bruxism.
Materials and methods: During retrospective investigation patients with bruxism were divided into two groups: group botox and bruxism. The control group was named the group-no complain.
Results: Remarkable differences were found in group botox (no complain) in tests, rest and pressing in occlusion for chewing muscles symmetry index (CMSI%).
Conclusion: As a result, we revealed a total bio-electric muscle activity index (BMIAI) in healthy patients and patients with bruxism in tests with pressing in occlusion, grinding and rest. All the values received to hold a high-reliability index, which makes them useful for everyday clinical practice.
Clinical significance: Definition of electromyography (EMG) values impact index of chewing muscles in healthy and bruxing conditions allows to carry out early diagnostics of bruxism and to evaluate the effectiveness of mio relaxation therapy.
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