Measurements of Various Traditional Methods of Teeth Whitening among People of Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ammar A Siddiqui, Nabila Anwar, Ibrahim K Alibrahim, Mohammed E Alhumaid
Keywords :
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, People of Hail, Teethwhitening methods (charcoal, lemon, olive oil, and baking soda).
Citation Information :
Siddiqui AA, Anwar N, Alibrahim IK, Alhumaid ME. Measurements of Various Traditional Methods of Teeth Whitening among People of Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. World J Dent 2018; 9 (2):91-94.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to measure traditional methods used by the people of Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to whiten teeth. This will help us to find out some of the possible reasons from them for using the techniques and would enable us to raise awareness.
Materials and methods: It was an observational study having a cross-sectional design. It included 350 respondents living in Hail, and the study used a nonprobability convenient sampling technique. Data about demographics and the methods used for teeth whitening were collected using a self-administered validated questionnaire translated into Arabic.
Results: The results depict that majority of the study participants (59.1%) with low income level were not satisfied with their tooth color and were willing to undergo tooth-whitening procedures. Coal was used by 21% of respondent for teeth whitening, followed by olive oil 15%, and lemon 10%.
Conclusion: Based on the information, it is clear that a group of people living in Hail is still comfortable to use the conventional methods to make their teeth look whiter.
Clinical significance: Despite the advances in esthetic dentistry, traditional methods of teeth cleansing and whitening are still being practiced. The practice is without evidence and without any scientific rationale. It can cost individuals their oral as well as overall health.
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