Comparison of Candida sp. Colonies in Gargling-volume Culture from Subject Wearers of Heat-cured and Selfcured Acrylic Resin Removable Partial Dentures
Liana Rahmayani, Zaki Mubarak, Abdillah I Nasution, Pratiwi Bunjamin
Citation Information :
Rahmayani L, Mubarak Z, I Nasution A, Bunjamin P. Comparison of Candida sp. Colonies in Gargling-volume Culture from Subject Wearers of Heat-cured and Selfcured Acrylic Resin Removable Partial Dentures. World J Dent 2017; 8 (6):471-476.
Introduction: Candida is a normal microflora commonly found
in subjects wearing denture compared with nonwearing denture.
Altogether, removable partial denture (RPD) is manufactured
by heat-cured and self-cured acrylic resins.
Aim: The aim of this study is to observe the comparison of the
colonies of Candida sp. in gargling-volume culture from subject
wearers of heat-cured and self-cured acrylic resin RPDs. This
study was conducted in the Microbiology Laboratory of Veterinarian
Faculty, Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah).
Materials and methods: This is an analytical study with an
experimental research design. Subjects were obtained by
purposive sampling technique and were willing to fill in the
informed consent. The gargling volume of six subjects wearing
heat-cured and self-cured acrylic resin RPD was inoculated
into the Sabouraud 4% dextrose agar (SDA) and incubated
at 37°C for 24 to 48 hours. The colonies of Candida sp. were
calculated with colony counter.
Results: Only 4 of 6 samples (45% precision) had shown
colonic growth of Candida sp. However, the t-test analysis
shows that the colonies of Candida sp. displayed no significant
difference between subjects wearing heat-cured and self-cured
acrylic resins RPD (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: It was concluded that there was no difference in
the number of colonies of Candida sp. in the subject wearers
of heat-cured acrylic resin compared with self-cured acrylic
resin RPDs.
Clinical significance: C linically, t he r esults o f t his s tudy
showed differences in the number of colonies of Candida sp.
In the subjects of RPD users of heat-cured acrylic resins, they
contained fewer colonies of Candida sp. than the subjects of
RPD self-cured acrylic resin users.
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