Anticariogenicity of Stevia rebaudiana Extract when used as a Mouthwash in High Caries Risk Patients: Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Carounanidy Usha, Sathyanarayanan Ramarao, Bindu M John, Mintu E Babu
Citation Information :
Usha C, Ramarao S, M John B, E Babu M. Anticariogenicity of Stevia rebaudiana Extract when used as a Mouthwash in High Caries Risk Patients: Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. World J Dent 2017; 8 (5):364-369.
Aim: To assess the anticariogenicity of microwave-assisted 0.5% extract of Stevia rebaudiana leaves in high caries risk patients. Materials and methods: Forty-six patients with high risk for
caries were selected. They were randomly assigned to two groups; group I was allocated for chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash (0.12% Perio-Aid) and group II for S. rebaudiana (0.5%
extract of Stevia bio) mouthwash. Salivary pH, buffer, and microbial count were assessed before the patients were asked to use the mouthwashes. Patients were prescribed the mouthwash/
extract twice a day for 7 days. On the 8th day, postrinse salivary pH, buffer analysis and Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli count were done.
Results: Significant difference in pre- and postrinse values of pH and buffer was found in both groups. However, no difference was noted between groups. Both groups decreased the bacterial
count to <105 colony-forming units (CFUs) in all the patients.
Conclusion: Stevia rebaudiana extract in 0.5% concentration improved the pH and buffering capacity of the saliva in a high caries risk patient. It also reduced cariogenic organisms in saliva.
Clinical significance: Stevia rebaudiana extract in 0.5% concentration can be used as a mouthwash for moderate-to-high caries risk patients. However, long-term clinical studies are
required to prove its substantivity like that of CHX.
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