To differentiate between gemination and fusion as both are consequences of the developmental anomalies resulting in the formation of a wide tooth, difficult to differentiate clinically.
Gemination is often confused with fusion. Fusion occurs when two tooth buds unite, while gemination is said to occur when one tooth bud tries to divide. Various terms, such as double tooth, connation, linking tooth, synodontia, and shizodontia are also used for describing fusion or gemination.
Case Report
This article presents the case report of a 6-yearold girl with an asymptomatic wide primary canine present in the right mandibular arch.
The tooth was finally diagnosed as gemination, although clinical features suggested fusion, but radiographic evaluation led to gemination.
Clinical significance
Gemination ranges from 0.5 to 2.5%. Early and correct diagnosis of such cases helps clinician in the proper treatment planning and avoiding of complications.
How to cite this article
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