In order to facilitate and optimize learning process, there is need to evaluate preferred choice of teaching methods among dental students, especially in Indian scenario wherein lecturing remains the most commonly employed method of teaching. The aim of the present study was to assess and compare learning approaches among the male and female undergraduate dental students.
Materials and methods
The study was conducted among undergraduate dental students of Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal University, Mangalore, Karnataka, India. Students belonging to the first 4 years of their professional dental education program were enrolled in the study. A structured, self-administered questionnaire comprising of nine multiple choice questions apart from the demographic details was employed to assess the dental student's preferences towards learning.
A total of 100 dental students participated in the study. Majority of the respondents preferred lecture classes in the morning hours for 30 minutes. Audiovisual method was the most preferred teaching aid, whereas multiple choice questions and periodic tests were most preferred method for evaluation. Significant difference was observed between male and female study subjects in terms of average percentage of the lecture content they were able to understand (p<0.035).
The present study holds policy implications for changes in the teaching patterns practiced in current times. Differences among learning preferences of males and females must be considered while selecting teaching methods. There is need to introduce more of active learning programs in order to overcome the drawback of lack of interaction and also to facilitate the learning among all students.
How to cite this article
Ahmed J, Binnal A, Denny C, Shenoy N, Natarajan S. Assessment of Learning Preferences among Indian Undergraduate Dental Students. World J Dent 2015;6(3): 169-173.
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