An Atypical Case of Partial Displacement and Wash-out of the Mineral Trioxide Aggregate-based Sealer in Endodontic Surgery
Mateus Rodrigues Tonetto, Milton Carlos Kuga, Flávia Angélica Guiotti, Andrea Abi Rached Dantas, Matheus Coelho Bandeca, Keren Cristina Fagundes Jordão-Basso, Ana Carolina Venção, Miriam Graziele Magro
Citation Information :
Tonetto MR, Kuga MC, Guiotti FA, Dantas AA, Bandeca MC, Jordão-Basso KC, Venção AC, Magro MG. An Atypical Case of Partial Displacement and Wash-out of the Mineral Trioxide Aggregate-based Sealer in Endodontic Surgery. World J Dent 2015; 6 (2):108-111.
Guiotti FA, Kuga MC, Magro MG, Venção AC, Tonetto MR, Jordão-Basso KCF, Bandeca MC, Dantas AAR. An Atypical Case of Partial Displacement and Wash-out of the Mineral Trioxide Aggregate-based Sealer in Endodontic Surgery. World J Dent 2015;6(2):108-111.
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