Citation Information :
Bhagwat S, Hegde S, Mandke L. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Indian Dentists: A Pilot Survey with Assessment by Rapid Entire Body Assessment. World J Dent 2015; 6 (1):39-44.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are increasingly becoming a nuisance for dental professionals. Nearly, 2 million workers across the world suffer from MSDs each year, with dentists facing an increased risk of developing these ailments.
This study is an attempt to assess the risk of MSDs among dental professionals, and eventually to spread awareness regarding the importance of good posture and proper ergonomics.
To determine the presence of MSDs among Indian dentists.
Materials and methods
A research survey was conducted among dental professionals practicing in and around Maharashtra state, India. The questionnaire for the study included a series of questions, when coupled with the rapid entire body assessment (REBA) scale, allows one to assess his/her posture during work and eventually determines the need to improve the same. Two hundred dentists completed the questionnaire given.
The study revealed a high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain among dental professionals.
A relation was observed between the severity of the pain experienced by the dentists and their REBA score indicating that dentists with a higher REBA score need to adapt their working postures and employ proper ergonomics.
How to cite this article
Bhagwat S, Hegde S, Mandke L. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Indian Dentists: A Pilot Survey with Assessment by Rapid Entire Body Assessment. World J Dent 2015;6(1):39-44.
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