3D Finite Element Technology and Its use in Craniofacial Injuries
HP Raghuveer, NT Prashanth, Vinod Rangan, ES Shobha, Suresh Nagesh, Dilip Kumar Rayapati
Citation Information :
Raghuveer H, Prashanth N, Rangan V, Shobha E, Nagesh S, Rayapati DK. 3D Finite Element Technology and Its use in Craniofacial Injuries. World J Dent 2014; 5 (4):223-228.
Shobha ES, Raghuveer HP, Nagesh S, Rayapati DK, Prashanth NT, Rangan V. 3D Finite Element Technology and Its use in Craniofacial Injuries. World J Dent 2014;5(4):223-228.
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