Assessing the Oral Health Awareness among the Final Year Undergraduate Nursing Students in Abha, Saudi Arabia
Naheeda Asif, Shaik Mohammed Asif, Dara Balaji Gandhi Babu, Shefali Whagrey
Citation Information :
Asif N, Asif SM, Babu DB, Whagrey S. Assessing the Oral Health Awareness among the Final Year Undergraduate Nursing Students in Abha, Saudi Arabia. World J Dent 2014; 5 (4):213-217.
Nurses have first level of contact with patients and their attendants. The services of nurses are also required in promoting the oral health knowledge among the general public. Thus, the aim of this study is to assess the oral health awareness of all the final year undergraduate nursing students in Abha, Saudi Arabia.
Materials and methods
A questionnaire based study was conducted in Abha, in which for a total of 204 final year undergraduate nursing students who gathered on the day of survey were given a self-administered questionnaire which included 26 questions and their knowledge and attitude toward dentistry was evaluated.
Statistical analysis
Data analysis was done using statistical package for social science (SPSS 12.0) software and Chisquare test was used to find the statistical significance among the variables.
The results of the study indicate that the final year undergraduate nursing students have adequate basic knowledge regarding the oral cavity and the diseases pertaining to it, but they lack knowledge regarding the ideal brushing method, specialties in dentistry and their role. They have shown interest to improve their knowledge in dentistry by attending training programs and camps.
Nursing students have showed interest toward camps and clinical postings to improve there knowledge and serve the public. There exists a critical relationship between oral and general health, thus the education of healthcare workers and opportunities for cross-fertilization of ideas should be encouraged.
How to cite this article
Asif N, Asif SM, Babu DBG, Whagrey S. Assessing the Oral Health Awareness among the Final Year Undergraduate Nursing Students in Abha, Saudi Arabia. World J Dent 2014;5(4):213-217.
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