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VOLUME 5 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2014 ) > List of Articles


Microbial Evaluation of a Single Subgingival Irrigation with Chlorhexidine and Benzydamine in Advanced Periodontitis

Swarnalatha J Wesley

Citation Information : Wesley SJ. Microbial Evaluation of a Single Subgingival Irrigation with Chlorhexidine and Benzydamine in Advanced Periodontitis. World J Dent 2014; 5 (1):37-41.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1255

Published Online: 01-09-2015

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).



This study evaluated the microbial effects of a single subgingival irrigation of chlorhexidine and benzydamine in advanced periodontitis on a comparative basis in the absence of physical debridement using the microbiological parameter.


Patients who attended the Department of Periodontia, Madras Dental College were selected. The experimental site consisted of two teeth with Chronic Periodontitis, a pocket depth of 4 to 6 mm and a Gingival Index score of 2. The study has been designed to cover the following three groups:

Group I: Irrigated with physiological saline (Control group).

Group II: Irrigated with 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution.

Group III: Irrigated with 0.15% benzydamine hydrochloride solution.

A sample of 30 were selected, 10 samples in each group. The experimental sites of the three groups were assessed using the following Microbiological parameters: (1) spirochetes, (2) motile bacteria, (3) cocci, (4) other microorganisms.


The microbiological analysis showed that the response of the Saline and Chlorhexidine with regard to the Spirochetes followed a concave pattern. But Benzydamine showed a slow tapering effect in annihilating the Spirochetes. In the case of Motile bacteria also the variation in the Saline was negligible and in the chlorhexidine group the trough occurred between first week and second week and then revived, whereas in Benzydamine alone there was no question of revival but the Motile bacteria followed the pattern of sine curve. With regard to Cocci though Saline showed good response it was not significant, whereas chlorhexidine and benzydamine recorded a highly appreciable response. In the case of other microorganisms Saline had no significant effect, whereas Chlorhexidine had significant effect at the end of 1 week and Benzydamine had a sea-saw effect throughout the different periods of time.


The subgingival action of Benzydamine can be favored and preferred to that of Chlorhexidine and Saline because of its sustained progressive response.

How to cite this article

Wesley SJ. Microbial Evaluation of a Single Subgingival Irrigation with Chlorhexidine and Benzydamine in Advanced Periodontitis. World J Dent 2014;5(1):37-41.

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