A Quiescent Colossal Radicular Cyst: A Diverse Histological Presentation
V Reshma, Radhika M Bavle, BK Varsha, BM Kavya
Citation Information :
Reshma V, Bavle RM, Varsha B, Kavya B. A Quiescent Colossal Radicular Cyst: A Diverse Histological Presentation. World J Dent 2013; 4 (4):286-290.
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Copyright © 2013; The Author(s).
How to cite this article
Reshma V, Bavle RM, Varsha BK, Kavya BM. A Quiescent Colossal Radicular Cyst: A Diver Histological Presentation. World J Dent 2013;4(4):286-290.
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