Applicability of Two Mixed Dentition Analysis in Children of Jangam Community of Belgaum City
Santosh M Sholapurmath, Deepa B Benni, Praveen Mandroli
Citation Information :
Sholapurmath SM, Benni DB, Mandroli P. Applicability of Two Mixed Dentition Analysis in Children of Jangam Community of Belgaum City. World J Dent 2012; 3 (4):324-329.
Many cases of malocclusion originate during the mixed dentition period. Moyers tables and Tanaka and Johnston space analysis are the most commonly used mixed dentition space analysis. Based on the reported racial and sex differences in tooth sizes, the purpose of this study was to evaluate applicability of the Moyers, Tanaka and Johnston and method of prediction in a Belgaum population and develop a new prediction method for this specific population, if necessary.
Materials and methods
The study was conducted on sample of 140 children within the age group of 13 to 16 years old belonging to Jangam community, who had fully erupted mandibular permanent incisors and maxillary and mandibular canines and premolars. Mesiodistal crown widths of permanent teeth were measured using a digital calliper of resolution of 0.01 mm. The odontometric values obtained were then subjected to statistical analysis (Student unpaired t-test).
Gender discrepancy was seen in the study with male showing significantly greater maxillary canine-premolar segment. There is statistical significant difference in tooth dimension between the actual and predicted value at the 50th and 75th percentile of the Moyers probability tables for males and females in both the arches. There were significant differences between the actual measurements and measurements derived from the Tanaka and Johnston equation.
The Moyers probability tables and Tanaka and Johnston prediction method significantly underestimate canine and premolar mesiodistal width of Jangam population, Indian origin.
How to cite this article
Sholapurmath SM, Benni DB, Mandroli P. Applicability of Two Mixed Dentition Analysis in Children of Jangam Community of Belgaum City. World J Dent 2012;3(4):324-329.
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