Citation Information :
Tonetto MR, de Andrade MF, Pinto SC, Saad JR, Barros ED, Firoozmand LM, Bandéca MC, Filho EM, de Sousa Queiroz RC. Comparison of Chairside Cooperative Ability with Social Quotient of Mentally Challenged Children. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (12):1321-1329.
Indirect resin onlay is economical solution to satisfy the function and esthetic requirements of these patients. The cementation with self-adhesive resin cement is practice, fast and reduces the postoperative sensitivity.
How to cite this article
Bandéca MC, Tonetto MR, Barros ÉD, Pinto SCS, Firoozmand LM, de Andrade MF, Cury Saad JR, Maia Filho EM, de Sousa Queiroz RC. Indirect Resin Onlay Cemented with Self-adhesive Resin Cement: A Comprehensive Clinical Overview. World J Dent 2012;3(3):273-277.
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