Issues in Professional Judgment: Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Client with Prosthetic Joint
Frieda A Pickett
Citation Information :
Pickett FA. Issues in Professional Judgment: Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Client with Prosthetic Joint. World J Dent 2012; 3 (1):74-76.
PubMed and relevant professional guidelines were searched for research and for evidence-based guidelines.
There is a need for evidence-based guidelines developed by stakeholders including the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the American Dental Association and the Infectious Disease Society. There is an absence of level 1 evidence for or against the use of prophylactic antibiotics in patients with prosthetic joints undergoing invasive dental treatment. Therefore, until the professional organizations provide evidence-based guidance, professional judgment must depend on the client history following joint replacement and the state of the host immune response.
How to cite this article
Pickett FA. Issues in Professional Judgment: Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Client with Prosthetic Joint. World J Dent 2012;3(1):74-76.
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