World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 4 ( October-December, 2011 ) > List of Articles


The Dental Caries Profile of Two Brazilian Amazonian Population: An Epidemiological Approach

Roosevelt S Bastos, Ricardo Pianta R Silva, Ramsés S Bastos, Ângela Xavier, 5Érica S Carvalho, Magali L Caldana, Luís Marcelo A Camargo, José Roberto P Lauris, José Roberto M Bastos

Citation Information : Bastos RS, Silva RP, Bastos RS, Xavier Â, Carvalho 5S, Caldana ML, Camargo LM, Lauris JR, Bastos JR. The Dental Caries Profile of Two Brazilian Amazonian Population: An Epidemiological Approach. World J Dent 2011; 2 (4):292-296.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1100

Published Online: 01-12-2012

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2011; The Author(s).



The objective of this paper was to compare the dental caries profile among rural riverine (RR) inhabitants and Montenegro (MN) epidemiologic study to assess the inequalities in oral health into the Brazilian Amazonian state of Rondônia.


Rural riverine population sample of rivers Preto and Madeira was published carrying dental caries epidemiologic data from 2005 to 2006. Dental caries survey ran with the same DMFT criteria in the small town of Montenegro in 2008. The groups of age for comparison (t-test) were accomplished with preschool children (RR/MN; 4-5/5), school children (RR/MN;12), adolescents (RR/MN; 18/15-19), adults (RR/MN; 35-44) and elderly (RR/MN; 65-74). In this present study, the rural riverine sample totalized 237 participants and 369 people participated in Montenegro. The entire sample was 606 participants.


Only on preschool children [MN 3.15 (3.12); RR 4.31 (3.42); p = 0.03] and on elderly groups [MN 25.96 (9.82); RR 21.56 (11.95); p = 0.05], the dmft (SD) and DMFT (SD) were significantly different. Despite of no statistical difference in DMFT (SD) of other groups, the component filling teeth (FT) was higher among Montenegro inhabitants at 12 (p = 0.03), at 15-19/18 (p = 0.02) and at 35-44 (0.00). The caries-free participants were higher, represented among RR in all ages but the 4-5/5.


The international trend of dental caries decline has been shown in both epidemiological surveys. The caries polarization phenomenon may be observed in both localities in all ages also. The tooth loss increases with aging in both studies due to dental caries but in Montenegro the missing teeth (MT) component in the elderly group is significantly higher (p = 0.03).


Dental caries was high in both Amazonian regions and tooth loss was apparently the most clinical problem to be avoided. Oral health care measures are necessary to take part on daily life of these populations in educational, preventive and clinical aspects.

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