Comparative Evaluation of Calcium Hydroxide and Zinc Oxide Eugenol as Root Canal Filling Materials for Primary Molars: A Clinical and Radiographic Study
Shikha Dogra
Citation Information :
Dogra S. Comparative Evaluation of Calcium Hydroxide and Zinc Oxide Eugenol as Root Canal Filling Materials for Primary Molars: A Clinical and Radiographic Study. World J Dent 2011; 2 (3):231-236.
The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of calcium hydroxide and zinc oxide eugenol as a root canal filling material in primary teeth using endodontic pressure syringe system.
Materials and methods
A total of 40 primary mandibular molars were selected and divided into two groups-group I (calcium hydroxide was used as root canal filling material) and group II (zinc oxide eugenol used as canal filling material). Clinical review was undertaken at 1, 3, 6 and 9 months interval for evaluating pain, tenderness, mobility and any other sign of pathology. Radiographic examination was done at interval of 3, 6 and 9 months for the evaluation of any change in the radiolucency around the apices and inter-radicular space. Resorption of root and filling material was also assessed.
Reduction in the clinical symptoms were noted in both groups (p < 0.01). All the 20 cases in group I demonstrated a decrease in size of radiolucency. However in group II, an increase in radiolucency was observed in 2 teeth at 3 months radiographic examination. Further no decrease in the size of radiolucency was noticed at subsequent follow-up visits. Complete resorption of overfilled material was observed at the 3 months radiographic examination for group I whereas partial resorption of overfilled material was seen at 6 months radiographic examination for group II.
The findings of the present study indicate that calcium hydroxide could be used exclusively or as an alternative to zinc oxide eugenol as a root canal filling material for the primary teeth.
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