World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2011 ) > List of Articles


A Rare Case of Gorlin Cyst in the Maxillary Anterior Edentulous Region

Rohit Agrawal, NS Yadav, R Guruprasad

Citation Information : Agrawal R, Yadav N, Guruprasad R. A Rare Case of Gorlin Cyst in the Maxillary Anterior Edentulous Region. World J Dent 2011; 2 (1):63-66.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1056

Published Online: 01-06-2012

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2011; The Author(s).


The Gorlin cyst (calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst) is a rare lesion. Its clinical and radiological features are not pathognomonic, and is characterized by histological diversity. Radiographically, it presents as a unilocular or, occasionally, multilocular radiolucency that may contain calcified radiopacities or tooth-like densities. Microscopic appearance of odontogenic epithelium admixed with focal areas of dentinoid formation or calcification along with sheets of ghost cells gives the definitive diagnosis of Gorlin cyst. A rare case of Gorlin cyst, which present as swelling in the maxillary anterior edentulous region along with emphasis on review of literature, is presented in this paper.

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