Citation Information :
Fitri AR, Yendriwati Y, Darwis AF, Astari P, Tyasingsih FD, Aisyah S. Assessment of Salivary Flow Rate, pH, and Calcium Level Following Ajwa Date (Phoenix dactylifera) Consumption in Caries and Caries-free Individuals. World J Dent 2024; 15 (5):367-371.
Aim: The study aimed to determine the effect of consuming Ajwa dates on salivary flow rate (SFR), pH, and calcium ion level in caries and caries-free individuals.
Materials and methods: The subjects selected in the study were 48 individuals who met the inclusion criteria and divided equally into two categories—caries and caries-free groups. Saliva was collected before, 5 minutes after, and 30 minutes after stimulation. SFR was measured by weighing the collected saliva were divided by time. Saliva pH was assessed using a pH meter, and salivary calcium ion levels were determined using the QuantiChrom Calcium Assay Kit. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis determined using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program and further analyzed by t-test.
Results: The study showed that Ajwa dates significantly upregulated SFR (0.24–0.47 mL/minute), pH (5.77–5.98), and calcium concentrations (1.71–3.58 mg/dL) in caries groups. The increase was also observed in caries-free subjects. Changing in these saliva parameters was noticed in the first 5 minutes, while it returned to baseline after 30 minutes stimulation. Although the increase of pH and calcium between caries and caries-free individuals had no significant difference (p > 0.05), the alteration of SFR in noncaries subjects (0.4 mL/minute) was significantly higher than the caries ones (0.23 mL/minute) (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Ajwa dates increased the SFR, pH, and calcium ion levels after 5 minutes stimulation in both caries and caries-free individuals. However, this effect turned back to baseline values at the time of 30 minutes post stimulation.
Clinical significance: Enhancing saliva production by natural foods is an appropriate method benefiting our oral environment. Consuming Ajwa dates induces saliva secretion as well as calcium that notably supports tooth remineralization. Thus, this fruit can become a potential dietary meal in preventing caries development.
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