World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 15 , ISSUE 4 ( April, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Comparative Evaluation of Removal of Bioceramic Sealers Using Rotary Retreatment Files Supplemented with Passive Ultrasonic Activation: An In Vitro Study

Pooja R Barghare, Sumanthini V Margasahayam, Anuradha B Patil, Amrut Bambawale, Divya Naik, Jayeeta S Verma

Keywords : Ah plus sealer, Bioceramic sealer, Passive ultrasonic activation, ProTaper universal retreatment file, Stereomicroscope

Citation Information : Barghare PR, Margasahayam SV, Patil AB, Bambawale A, Naik D, Verma JS. Comparative Evaluation of Removal of Bioceramic Sealers Using Rotary Retreatment Files Supplemented with Passive Ultrasonic Activation: An In Vitro Study. World J Dent 2024; 15 (4):292-297.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-2416

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 17-05-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of removal of bioceramic (BC) sealers using rotary retreatment files supplemented with passive ultrasonic activation (PUA). Materials and methods: A total of 72 freshly extracted human single-rooted teeth were used in this study. Root canal preparation was done using ProTaper Universal (PTU) rotary files. Teeth were decoronated to get a uniform length of 16 mm and were divided into four retreatment groups based on the technique used for retreatment. Group I: obturation done with AH plus followed by retreatment with rotary file (n = 18); group II: obturation done with AH plus sealer followed by retreatment with rotary file using passive ultrasonic activation (PUA) (n = 18); group III: obturation done with BC sealer followed by retreatment with rotary file (n = 18); group IV: obturation done with BC sealer followed by retreatment with rotary file using PUA (n = 18). Teeth were stored in an incubator for 30 days to allow sealer to set after which the retreatment of the specimens was carried as per the group allocation. Sectioning of the specimens was done buccolingually for examination under the stereomicroscope and photographed. Statistical analysis was done by using parametric analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey honestly significant difference (HSD) post hoc test. Results: There was a statistically significant difference seen for the residual root canal filler (RCF) material values between the groups (p < 0.01) for area of remaining filling material with higher values in group I. In group II, supplemental PUA was found to be effective for removal of the obturating material when compared to group I. It was observed that rotary retreatment files (group III) were more effective in removing the filling materials in roots obturated with BC sealer when compared to group IV (supplementary PUA) which showed higher remnants of filling. The pairwise Tukey HSD post hoc test showed a statistically significant difference between group I and groups II and III. Conclusion: In the present study, it was observed that supplementary use of PUA was not effective for removal of BC sealer. Rotary retreatment files without PUA were more efficacious in removal of the root canal filling materials. However, PUA of solvent enhanced the removal of filling materials obturated with AH plus sealer. Clinical significance: Application of PUA may not be effective in the removal of gutta-percha (GP) obturation in conjunction with BC sealers. PUA is more effective in canals obturated with AH plus sealer for removal of sealer remnant during retreatment cases.

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